Digital Bulletin Board

Digital Bulletin Board


The Araullo University Political Science Student Organization aims at being recognized as a leader among political science programs at institutions of comparable size and character. Pursuant to this goal, the Organization is committed to excellence and scholastic achievements.


The mission of the Araullo University Political Science Student Organization is to promote academic scholarship, leadership and responsible citizenship among students. To patronize solid liberal arts curriculum that exposes students to the principal sub fields of the discipline and develops transferable skills of liberal learning.

Monday, August 17, 2009

PolSci Students attended Leaders Congress!

August 17 - The Araullo University Political Science Student Organization attended the recently concluded Student Leaders Congress. The event was successfully attended by all recognized student organizations as well as the Supreme Student Government including its political subdivison. A short team building activity was facilitated by the Society of Student Assistants headed by its Coordinator, Mr. John Paul Vicencio before the start of the congress proper. Prof. Adele S. Traspe, the Director for Center for Student Development and Leadership uinderscores the need of habits to be an effective student leaders. Right after the talk of Prof. Traspe, Mr. Honey Rohcel V. Sapitan, the Student Development Specialist informed the participants of the newly recognized student organizations of the university. The congress ended with a bang with a word factory-like-activity participated in by different student leaders all over the university.

The AUPSSO Officers and Members during the mini Team Building Activity

Prof. Adele S. Traspe discussing the key points on Student Leadership

The AUPSSO Officers (Brainstorming daw woh? hahahaha)

The Political Scientists of the future: Gov. Darren, PIO MJ, Sgt.@Arms Reana, Escort Romeo, Vice-Gov. Farah, and Sec. Ivy (not in picture of course the one who took this shot: Angel Vicki)

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